Saturday, August 23, 2008


Today we went to the patch and found lots and lots of watermelons ripe and ready to be picked. We loaded up the truck to the brim. After some discussion Wade and I decided to let the kids have an Entrepreneurial lesson. He told them he would sell them the watermelons for $$ and then anything they made after that would be theirs to keep. So we headed off to town. They got the concept first thing. They knew just how much they needed before they earned a profit. They each made money and thought that was great!!!!
A rare look at The Watermelon King's secret patch.

1-$3 or 2 -$5

While earning money is good, they also learned the lesson of giving. They headed to the high school to donate their left over melons to the football team. Wade said that watermelons make you strong. So the Eagles should be tough next week and our opponents should look out.

1 comment:

Jamee said...

GREAT life lesson, I bet the melons were really good too