Sunday, August 17, 2008


My vacation is about over and the kids start back to school this week. What have I been doing? Putting up produce. While it was not Florida. I do enjoy canning and I have enjoyed just being at home with the kids. The Eaton's put up over 130 bags of sweet corn and I have done 70 jars of a variety of salsa, juice and tomatoes. All done until Apples are ready.

Thanks Mom for coming up and visiting with me during my first day of tomatoes. Sure did make time go faster.
Tim said the shucks would not hurt the cows. Elly and Parker have a great time looking for the bull when they go to the pasture.
Our corn process is interesting. Thanks to Wade's brilliant idea we use the turkey cooker outside to boil the corn.(This keeps heat and humidity outside) Then we chill in coolers and tubs with ice and cut in the house with corn boards from Rural King. Lots better than the traditional knife and cutting board method. It takes 8-10 ears of corn for each bag we put up.

Food Tip: When putting up corn, lay newspapers on the floor and cover the cabinet. You can just roll up the sticky mess for easy clean up.

We also had home made fries with Granddad Bill's garden potatoes...YUM!

1 comment:

Kocher Family said...

Hi! My name is Angie Kocher. (Friend of Josh Geltz) I happen to see your site from some of my other blogging sites and thought I would give you another food tip: Use an electric drill with a baby bottle brush stuck in the end to brush the corn. Works really well and a lot faster!